AC compressor relay and Trinary switch wiring question
I am wiring in a stock Denso (new replacement) ac compressor, and wiring the compressor with a trinary switch. In the research I’ve gathered on this I think I’ve drawn this correctly. Since this is my first time doing this task I am hoping someone can tell me if I’ve done it right or what I’ve done wrong/you would do instead. Hoping there is people with more experience than what I have in this department before wiring it in so it’s done right the first time.
The company who went through the harness left the green/white wire labeled “AC Compressor” and a grey/black wire labeled “AC Request”. I attached a copy of how the trinary switch manufacture recommends it be installed. I basically replaced the ac thermostat switch with the compressor relay, and using the ac switch in the cab to trigger the relay.
Any help is appreciated
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