Originally Posted by special-K
Four way is the common term. I always called them lug wrenches because that's all I ever used. I hate using factory wreches that put the torque on an angle. I only use those in an emergency. I just like to say star wrench , ever since I heard that. That's cool to know it's used way out there in Daleville  . Maybe that's where I first heard it, butI know the boys at Eddie's Tire in Berkley Springs, WVA said it. That's the place I spoke of that only uses those, never impact guns.
Mark, that spoon is looking good. I have a butcher block countertop project I was moving along on till it came time to belt sand. I can not find my sander box anywhere. But I can't see or get to everywhere, either. Things are stashed and crammed all over my place right now. I've been working on door and cabinet hardware today. I also took a vintage tin light down from behind the kitchen sink, dismantled, sanded up, and primed. I want to paint it to match the other switched wall light in my kitchen. The switch is at the doorway into the kitchen on the living room side. Right on the kitchen side and at a good height for a lamp is an electric box from the old wall-mount landline phone that is not being used. I'm moving that light there so it will be switched on when the other one does. I put a plug-in LED tube light under the cabinet over the kitchen sink to take it's place. I wired the wall light to the switch today, but still need to top coat the light. An odds and ends day A cold and wet one
Tim, I used to go to Eddie’s in Berkeley Springs and Winchester both. They were the best most affordable place to buy tires the whole time I was alive and living there. Dad still uses the store in Winchester. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, hadn't thought about them in a long while. I’ve been gone this time for close to 10 years now, I don’t know where the time goes.