Hi there, long time lurker, first time poster. I've recently acquired this 1968 2WD Burb and am eager to learn from all of the mistakes you all have made love the years
I bought this from a guy who bought it in 1984 from the original owner (I think). It got a replacement 350 in 1994 (which was also the last time it was painted.) It got a trans rebuild 9K miles ago (according to the handwritten chart clipped to the sun visor) It has power assist steering which is currently leaking, but less so than my 2004 Mercedes station wagon. It has a custom rear bumper and had a trailer brake controller (which I've already removed) It also has a "custom" rubber floor made out of old mud flaps, primarily.
I love the patina, it's remarkably solid and runs well.
Anyway, I'm planning on disc brakes all around and lowering it (then a wheel and tire decision). As I'm looking for kits to make this happen, I'm trying to make sure I understand what will fit and what won't, and to see if anyone has experience with this kit from CJ's pony parts: (
Can't wait to learn from this community!