Looking to address a vapor lock issue so my chief goal is insulation. I want to insulate my Edelbrock 1406 but am not sure which spacer/insulator to use. It sits on an
Edelbrock 2104 intake manifold. Looks like I've got room for 1/2 inch clearance without nay trouble. There seem to be several candidates: the Edelbrock
9266 Heat Insulator Gasket, the Edelbrock
8725 Carburetor Spacer or maybe even the
9265 Square-Bore Heat Insulator. Perhaps one not mentioned here? What say you?

69 C-10 LWB, 350, 700r4, 3.73 posi-traction, front disc brakes. Built for the desert-
She can take the heat! Vivat Rex Chevus!