Re: What does GMC stand for?
Originally Posted by Steeveedee
Stainless steel splash shields on submarines are not the same thing as regular toilet seats. Cheaper than having to drydock a nuclear sub for corrosion repairs because of urine splash, when it's supposed to be out on patrol as 1/3 of the nuclear defense triad. Proxmire should've been flogged instead of revered.
The Kreigsmarine lost a perfectly good U-Boat when the KaLeun -- newly minted, and with better Partei connections than seamanship -- tried flushing the Officers' Head without following proper procedure. He sank the boat.
I understand completely, but the popular perception makes the joke work.
Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
Last edited by '68OrangeSunshine; 09-29-2024 at 08:47 PM.