Well I am working on this 1971 K20 Dana 44 front axle. It has the large manual Spicer locking hubs (one Red, one Blue, HA!) I'm pretty much rebuilding everything except the carrier and ring and pinion. As you guys know, that's a lot with these Dana fronts. So as I get into this thing, I find that everything is contaminated with a stinky (as in SMELLY!) blackish, gritty mess. As if the last owner/operator ran it through some deep sewage hole at the beach with the locking hubs off and it sucked up the mess inside the spindles, axle hubs, and locking hub mechanism.
So total tear down from the axle tubes on out. Along with a good bath in parts solvent, I'm going to replace all of the wheel and spindle bearings, races, seals, U-joints, and related wear items. Here's my question: when I removed the six Allen head screws that hold on the Spicer hubs, I could see that the locking hub mechanisms are also contaminated with this Gunk. I don't want to 'soak' these parts. What is the correct method used to clean out the locking hub mechanism itself?? Do I take apart the 'lock' itself? If so, what position do I turn the dial to to take apart this thing? What is the procedure, step by step, to take a Spicer manual hub apart and clean it out? What special tools might I need? Whats the best solution or solvent to use on the internal parts of a manual lock? Thats more than one question.
I don't want to damage these babies, from what I've been reading on this Board they are expensive to replace with NOS Spicers, so I'd like to do this in the least damaging way. They are pretty Crapped Up inside, and feel kinda scratchy, gritty when I turn them.
Oh yeah, do you 'repack' a locking hub with grease? How?
Thanks for your help with this, sorry for all the questions.