Air ride guys is 100 psi enough?
I am looking at putting air ride in Screamin. I don't want to hop and really don't need to be at ride height in less than a second either. I am looking use a 5 gallon tank with 3/8" valves w/ 1/2" line. I am going to use the Firestone 2600# bags that every body recommends.
My question is will a 100 psi electric compressor be enough to air up my system. I am not looking for speed and all that I just want to be able to lift her up to ride height and go.
What is the average air pressure you all run in your bags? I understand everybody has their preference but I am looking for a ball park figure.
I am aware that it will take longer to refill my tank with a low pressure/low volume pump, but It's either that or scrader valves for now.
Thanx again..............