Dash Pad Question (Confused)
I just recently took out the remains of the dash pad that was in my 70 C20. I had to unscrew the center and took out the small nuts under the dash. While rousing through my favorite junkyard I came across a very clean dash pad out of a 69 C10, or 20 , don't remember, not even sure about the year now. I didn't pay attention to the details of it having the holes for the screws in the center, it was smooth from end to end. I was just happy I scored a clean dash pad for next to nothing. It fits in nicely, with a little difficulty on the ends though.
My question is, What the difference in year for the dash pad? Does it really matter? I'm just looking for some input because when I look in the catalogs I don't see any difference in years, or its not mentioned about there being a difference. Any help is appreciated.
Last edited by Nitroblood; 09-23-2005 at 12:47 AM.