Like a few other members, I too have a cranking issue with my truck. It's an 85 with 305 4 bbl, and T-350 tranny. When it sits for several hours, such as over night, it will not crank...period. I'm getting gas, the choke seems to be set and working properly, I've got spark at the #1 plug. I've tried every way of holding the accelerator pedal; one or two pumps, no pumps, all the way to the bottom...nothing works. Battery is charged and spinning the motor over good. I do smell gas real strong under the hood. Now here is the kicker; if I leave it alone for a couple hours after trying to crank it, I can often go back and it will crank right up as if nothing is wrong. However, next morning...forget it. I'm confused and really don't know what else to check for. Can somebody help me? PS Can someone tell me where the timing tab is on this truck? I went to check the timing and I can't find the tab anywhere

Thanks folks.