Well, while on my way to work today my truck had it's first ever traffic accident. The damage is not bad (you should see the other guy!). I was in the left turn lane waiting for traffic to clear, light turned yellow. I thought this on coming car was going to gas it so I continued to wait. He made an abrupt stop. I looked up was light now red, I made an attempt to clear the intersection. A car came flying by the guy who had stopped and locked up his brakes. This made him slide slightly sideways right into the diverside front of my truck. I thought he was going to be tore up as he hit me with the drivers door of his car. I saw glass and pieces of tuner go flying in every direction. Everything from his driver mear back was flattened. He did manage to limp it into a parking lot when the police arrived. He was ticketed and I was not. The guy that made the abrupt stop at the yellow light stuck around and told the cop that the light was red. The other guy still claims that we are both lying. He was fine just cut up a bit from all the glass. I am still at work now but I will post some pics tomorrow. When I do you guys will all say I am making a fuss over nothing as it is not badly damaged. I am just sad because I just made contact with the family that sold it to me a few days ago. They were so thrilled to see it in better condition than I bought it in. I also found out that the original owner has since passed away

. I was just thinking today how lucky I have been to take this low milage bone stocker out of a small town and have it make it this long in Phoenix without incident. I am just sick about the whole thing. We are the #1 city in the US for red light running. This is also the first real accident of my driving career.