the other day i picked a 1965 lwb small window c10. it has rust in the fenders and 2 spots on the floor and it needs a rocker. its VERY straight except 4 1 big @$$ dent on the front quarter of the bed on the drivers side. it has a tilt collum (donno what it is out of), completly rewired, custom gauage cluster but only one guage, "custom" door panels (when i look at em i wanna puke!), narrowed 9 inch ford, 2 extra third members for the 9 inch, a front subframe from a '75 c10, 4 different nasty SH*ty tires and rims

, no engine or tranny, a bunch of 2x4's and 4x4's in the bed

, headman headers sickers

, it also some came with a bunch of the green sh+t.....MOSS

. All of that for a good price of