I have a 77 3/4 4x4 that have a built .30 over 350 that has about 5xxx miles on it. HERES THE MAJOR PROBLEM... I put a new starter on it about a month ago works great, BUT now the back of the block broke out where the starter bolts to the block

I have been tolt to either A. go to a stick shift..possible but a pain in the a$$ to find all the parts..B. Supposedly somebody makes a plate that you can bolt the starter to that will bolt to the th350 (forgot to metion its an atuomatic) bell housing...

C shuck the motor and start over...FFCOTH (Fat F--king Chance Of That Happening) Anybody got suggestions.. or 4-speed with flywheel, pedals tranny or a 3/4ton or 1ton 4x4 manual with air conditiong needing a good strong motor laying around for sale?