Went to a auction yesterday from a Ky State agency. They sold off about 80 vehicles. 3 were 1994 2 door K5 (full size)Chevy Blazers. 350, Auto, ps,pdb,ac,4x4's with perfect bodies and 100K+miles. They sold for $3,500. each. Was real tempted~~~. They also sold off a 92 Chevy 4x4 pickup with 5speed, AC, etc. Well used but--sold for $1500. They also sold off about a dozen 97' Jeep Cherokee's, 4door, 6cyl, auto, a/c, decent shape with 100K+miles at about $3,700. ea. May not be able to pass them up next time around! Will probably kick myself on the K5 Blazers for some time~~!