Originally Posted by magsnubby
I'm going through the same thing right now, not with a truck, but with my jeep. I put a ton of time and money into the thing, wrecked it, bought another jeep, and started switching parts. I finally had it so i could get back to offroading when some pos stole it and stripped it. I was totally disgusted with the whole thing. I parked it in the back yard and decided to give it a break for awhile. That was a couple weeks before Christmas. I'm starting to get my motovation back.
Some times you just need to walk away for awhile.
We seem to have similar interests. I almost got burned out with both my Chevy and my Jeep. Fortunately I have refocused and managed to get the BOTH of them back on the road. The Chevy, I love to drive it to see how many people I could pass. I love to putt-putt the jeep just to see how many people pass me!

They're both fun to drive, and I wouldn't trade either of them in for anything. They BOTH need a power steering conversion, as well as a power brake and disc conversion, but the will power is strong. With proper budgeting, the projects will get done. It just takes time.