hello every one i am new to this board, but also on a couple of others. im a 36 year old truck driver(local delivery,landscape products) wife, 1 girl(7yrs) and a boy due in june. i like to team rope(both ends) and steerwrestle at some am. rodeos . haven't done any truck projects since high school ('74 #*!@ factory highboy lwb 4x4) played with motor on that one. started w/360 , punched out to 390 cans 390 low end cam dropped in 352 interceptor crank and connectors, and aset of blackjacks. it had a 4spd man. with a rock crusher(not sure of ratios) rear end . anyway i just got a '72 swb, 2wd. 3ot, with ablown up 6cly, from a friend . he basicaly gave it to me (i have to put a new floor on the trailer it is sitting on) so thats not to bad. i called a nother friend and asked if he new anyone with a 350, he said theres one in the shed ( a '78 punched .30 over) , its now setting in ny horse trailer waiting for it to dry up weather wise so i can go get the truck and put them together. plenty of qeustions will probably follow over the next couple of dd/mm/yy while it gets redone as my e.d.d., hopefully my daughter and son will get a chance behind the wheel. sorry bout the novel!!! thanks for any replys and help later on , will post pics as soon as i get them and wife shows me how to load them to post.lol!!!