Re: What did you get done? 04/29
bigblock73 very nice fridge. Benoit, sweet truck, I think thats the 1st time I've seen it. Meanwhile I took the bed off my short wide 73, I was expecting the worst, had sprayed the bolts with pb blaster and torched the first two and the nuts came right off no problem, took off the other six without heat. Unplugged the wiring. I didn't find a ground strap to the bed like some have. Got my dad and two of my sons, lifted the bed off and set it on some saw horses. put some jack stands under it and started drilling the rivets out of the front of the rear leaf spring hangers. Drilled the first two and and took the air hammer with the chisel bit and started a slot and then took a cold chisel and hammer and popped the rivets right out, fairly easy. the other two rivets didn't even drill just chiseled off. the bolts they gave me were too big for the holes in my frame, will have to buy some just smaller. Ran out of time and stopped for the weekend, am really hoping that I can get the other side off without pulling the gas tank. Bob