Starter problems: Should I have a heat shield?
Hi guys, Just replaced my starter (previous starter was loud and sounded really bad) and it already failed last night...after only a few weeks! My truck had to return home on a flatbed last night  I have a 1970 Chevy CST-10 with a rebuilt 1974 350 c.i. in it. I thought as I was installing the starter in it a few weeks ago...(Auto Zone starter) starter/solonoid setup is awful close to the exhaust manifold/pipe...Shouldn't there be a heat shield on this??....Well...Now I'm really thinking it should have one. What is the answer to this one?? Can you guys please help me?
Thanks ,Bob
I'm a grateful Christian not perfect in any way, but always striving to become better with Christ's help. I'm grateful for what He did for me on that cross at Calvary. I hope there is a desire in your heart for the same: If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9