Put the top back on the Blazer
Well,Fall is here and the evening are getting chilly.Even during mid afternoon with the sun shining,it is getting a little chilly cruising around in a Blazer or Jimmy with the top off.I got to drive around with the hard top removed from August till today but I finally got around to putting the factory single wall hard top back on.So,after eating I moved the '79 K/10 out,backed the '72 K/5 up to the hard top which had been sitting behind it since mid August and begun getting the hard top on.Alone I managed to get it positioned right and had it propped up against the tailgate.Later two friends came over and we lifted it up and slid it up on there.Then I started bolting it down.After putting the top on I noticed I need to do a little work on the windshield frame but that's no big deal.Right after I finished putting the top on it rained some though,so I guess I put the top on just in time.I didn't get any pictures because the batteries in the camera are dead,but I can tell that the K/5 is sitting a little lower with the hard top on.It looks like a 2wd K/5 except for the tires so I guess I better get the 4" lift on so people don't think it's a 2wd (Which I Wouldn't want it to be)