Hey folks, I am in my mid 20's and am trying to get my dad started on his '56. I have came up with a scheme to hopefully surprise his and give him a kick in the pants to get started. What I want to do is buy my friends 89 1/2 ton regular cab stepside 2x4 and take the cab, fenders, and hood off and swap them for the '56's cab fenders and hood. I have roughly measured and it looks like it will work dimensionally. The '56 has been sitting on the back burner for over ten years now. The 89 pu has a tbi 350 w/700r4. A lowering kit would be ultra cheap, and it already has latemodel seats and a centerconsole in it...even a tilt steering column. My pops also likes the looks of the trucks with the 80's 90's stepsides on them (doesn't seem to be too popular around this site) and, as stated, it will already be fited to the frame. It also goes without saying that the fuel tank will still be on the frame and plumbed w/ the bed.
So, does anyone see why this would or would not work. I want to stay away from altering parts on the '56 incase my dad wants to put it on a production frame later.
I want to get him driving it to motivate him to work on it

I think it would make quite the surprise.
Many thanks ahead of time.