Originally Posted by sixtyfour
I used end gaskets, Edelbrock says not too. They say only used silicone sealant. Edelbrock also says I need to use some tacky glue between the head and the intake gaskets, I didn't. I put them on dry. Looks like I have my work cutout for me this weekend.
Question, what is the proper torque sequence for the manifold bolts? I started at the center and worked my way out in a criss cross pattern? Was this right?
Yep, never - ever - use the rubber gaskets. Lay down a nice 3/8" or so bead of RTV, overlapping the intake gaskets on the heads. You don't really need to use a dressing on the intake gaskets, but I always use Gaskacinch. You know that you also need to run a thin bead of RTV around the water passages, right?
Proper sequence is in your service manual

Remeber to always work up to the final torque value in at least two steps.