68 chevy SWB 2wd to 4wd Questions
Im new to this site and I've been browsing around a little. I may not have really searched the right phrases but I'm trying to find some info on a 2wd to 4wd conversion. Im using a 68 chevy SWB as the project truck. I have a 72 Chevy blazer with all of the 4wd still intact minus transfer case to use for my donor parts truck. Ive measured the rear of these two frames and i noticed that the 68 2wd narrows to the same width as the Blazers width. BUT the 2wd frame gets wider as you move towards the front of the truck, just passed the rear axle. Is this even worth trying or am i overlooking something. Thanks for any input you have in advance. Again, sorry if there is already a thread with this information, a link to it would be great!
Last edited by JACKED86K5; 06-17-2008 at 08:08 PM.