Air Conditioning Wiring???
I recently got a 66 that I am playing with...learning as I go! I am also new to the whole forum thing so please be patient!! I have had to basically rewire the entire truck...I am now on the A/C and there is a set of wires that were never plugged in to begin with. I got a wiring diagram book and it shows the wires are supposed to plug into the "control switch" on the diagram. On the diagram it shows the switch is to have 4 positions: Off, Low, Medium, and High. I have searched all under the dash and can't figure out where this switch PLUG IN is located. The control levers on my dash are the lever kind that go up and down labeled DEF, Fan, & Heat. The other knobs on the dash are: Air, Recirc Air, and ???. I believe the fan lever should be where the plugin is... but there is nothing there!? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.