Why is it no matter what body shop I end up working with its the same song and dance. You got a guy complaining that he is broke, not enough work, yada yada yada and I cant give him money to work on my truck. Whats the hang up. You have a guy saying he cant pay bills but you offer him money in his hand and help to do what you want done, and it goes un done. SO FRUSTRATED!!!! Do they take on oath when they open shop to f*$k with people as much as they can? Isn't some work better then none? I know it usually cost $450 a side... but if I got $200 and your broke and no work isn't that ok? Sorry just me venting. So what will happen is I will pick it up on Monday and do it my self.... I will pull out the welder, saw, and ziz wheel and bust a knuckle or two!! Long live DIY!!!

Ok I am done.