Hood adjustment questions??????
I am still working on aligning the panels as I get the truck ready to disassemble and paint. I need to take some pictures, but it is too cold to go back out tonight. I will see if I can describe. Got the hood gap on the cowl adjusted and in pretty good shape. The problem is the width of the hood at the back. One side of the hood fits nice and flat from the cowl to the hood, on the vertical point where it comes up from the fender then curves to go horizontal. The other side seems to bulge out about a 1/4" on the vertical surface and then as it goes up to the horizontal down near the fender and is bulged out about the first 6" or so then seems to lay down where it matches with the cowl pretty well. It almost seems like the hood is sprung wider on that side. Is there a way to squeeze this so the hood pulls into the vertical portion of the cowl better?? I know this probably sounds like describing brain surgery. I will get some pictures tomorrow. Just thought someone might know exactly what I am talking about. Basically, the hood is too wide at the back and looks sprung on one side. How do I fix it?? Thank you