Re: Brake line flares, what's good enough
I just struggled with brake line flaring the past two Saturdays. Last weekend my Dad and I tried using a cheap flaring tool from Oreilly,and it tore up on top of not flaring worth a crap. The same thing happened with one from AutoZone. The flares just didn't look good at all.
I looked at flaring tools and articles about flaring all week long until my head spun. My Dad finally borrowed an Old Forge flaring tool,and we also used WD40 when cutting. We also spent a little more time filing and chamfering the line before flaring,and we tightned the snot out of the flaring tool bolts too. It finally worked like a charm! A job that should've only taken a few hours took two weekends pretty much.
I have no leaks so far!!
Last edited by AllenKarber; 06-14-2009 at 08:56 PM.