Hey everyone. I have a chance at a couple c-10's in a junkyard 2 standard 80-87 models and 3 73-79 models, ones even a "Bonanza"

Basically what i want to accomplish is put power windows, locks, overdrive transmission, cruise control, and intermediate wipers in my old truck. I am aware that the 700r4 transmissions have been known to have problems but this truck is my daily driver and the th350 is hard to on gas so if I can get the transmission cheap enough i'm gonna grab it. What am I gonna need to get with the transmission? are there any special computers that I should get with it? my question on the cruise control and intermediate wipers is there a single computer to control both or am I gonna need to grab others and will I be able to use my current wiper motor? I am fairly knowledgeable on electrics and have plenty of free time to do this project so that wont be an issue. I just need to know what to get and where it is generally located. And last but not least is it possible to put power locks and windows from a 80-87 model into a 77 without extensive modification? I already have the 80-87 style door panels on my truck now and I like the twist of the older body style with the newer features. Sorry if I confused anyone, its been a tiring day and I will try to explain What I am trying to do the best I can if needed. Thanks in advance. Alex.