build sheets & 20 dollar buckets and console!!!
I was wondering how many people in here have found their build sheets in their trucks? I picked up a set of buckets and a console at a garage sale of all places for 20 bucks!!!! They were sitting in the corner of the garage with no price tag on them so I asked the lady if her husband would maybe be interested in selling them. She told me that he had left her about a year ago and he left them there so yeah I could have them for 20 bucks. I could not believe it. She said he had pulled them out of his 72 and had put a bench in for some reason. So anyway I pulled my bench out this morning and found 2 build sheets stuffed behind the back and under the drivers seat. The one under the seat is really bad but the one behind the seat is like new. It was kinda neat to see what all came on my truck and everything. It got me wondering if this is a rare find or is it common?