What do you think of this?
OK, here's my idea. I happen to think that the late '55 stepside bed looks a bit dated on the '63-'66. My idea is to put an '88-'98 sportside bed on my '63. I know you purest will protest but think about it. Back in the day (40's, 50's and 60's) the auto industry designed their cars and trucks only three years ahead of production instead of five or even ten like they do now. Trucks were never really thought of in terms of high style like cars and were usually put on the back burner in the design dept. so artist could concentrate on the top selling cars that people wanted. The carryover stepside design was probably a way to save on production costs. Besides, as the 60's progressed, the Fleetside and Styleside designs were becoming more and more popular with truck buyers. Try finding a stepside on the lot these days. Anyway, check out Josue Hernandez's '62 with a modern bed and let me know what you think. I'm not crazy about the Corvette roll pan but hey..to each his own!