hey guys i know this isnt the right place but someone should know and you probably want to hear this story. so i got a 84 ford 6.9 f250 for CHEAP and it ran perfect. so i replaced the batts alternator clutch slave oil and a couple other things. ive been working on it for a couple weeks and was planing on driving it 2day 2 school. well about a week ago i took the injection pump cover off to get some more smoke

and the triangular cover off. well the screw wouldnt turn so i was like whatever ill just put it back on. i broke on of the screws so i jimmy rigged it and it looked like it would work. i went to start it and it started right up and ran FULL THROTTLE!!! i turned off the key, unhooked the batts, unpluged the wires on the injector pump, moved the throttle linkege and it was fine and switched to the empty fuel tank. it ran for about a min with a little diesel leaking onto the engine fron the pump then it blew. oops! thinking back i had the air cleaner off so i could have put something over the intake and flooded it but i didnt even think of it. what im wondering is what happened couse i pulled the injector cover off and it looked fine and the wires were unhooked so how was it getting fuel?