Originally Posted by Billhilly
Just wondering how you are getting on with the wheel alignment thing?
One thing I did with mine during the build up of the chassis was snap a centreline lenghtwise under the chassis and then drew lines under where the front and rear diff's sat. I also measured the distance between the two diffs. Turns out both diff's wern't square to the centre line, and not parallel in relation to each other. I sratched my head for a long time and ended up turning one rear leaf end for end, and slotted out the hole in the right side of the front diff to allow the diff to be squared up. Got it 'pretty close' to everything heading in the same direction! Have no idea if any of this made it drive nice. Years away from finishing!
Let us know how you got on.
I took it in to have that work done....they adjusted the steering box, caster & toe.....oh yea and he actually had to add some tapered shims underneath the leafs on all four corners....he explained why but I honestly still don't understand what he was talking about....It was placed directly under the bottom leaf and was bolted to the spring pack!