Wasn't in the plan, but there has been a parcel of land for sale locally that I have been driving past for ages and was curious about. Access was via what looked like your average two track dirt driveway......until you got about 75 yards in.

Being a mountainside property it turned into more than 200 feet of vertical accent in less than 1/4 mile and to get to a spot where I could turn the truck around I had to drop it into 4 Low and shift it down into Granny. If I had a locker and 4.10's I might have made it with out going into 4, but I am open front and back with 3.08's. The two track became washed out ruts lined with a mixture of shale and clay where at a few points I had to crab it back and forth to maintain axle clearance. A couple fallen trees, sizable rocks, and root wash outs later I found myself in a clearing where I quickly turned around and headed back to the road. I was really surprised at how capable my little half tonner was with nothing more than a set of Grip Spurs and careful wheel placement! I never revved it up above about 1500rpm either. I am feeling much better about an extended trail ride later this year with some friends, and also know I won't be considering this piece of land for building a house on!