EDIT: (as of 1-23-11)
We're now using this thread to add FAQ quality links for "Drum to Disc Conversion" only threads.
Eventually, there might be associated topics added.
The first 100 threads, (as of today) in the "Suspension Section",... using the seach, "drum to disc":
These threads only go back to July 2009.
Also,... not included were any rear disc questions, brake booster/mastercylinder questions, or proportioning valve questions.
So,... if a special thread/sticky/area was set up,... would anyone go there and read?
Or would everyone rather ask their specific questions and have people post in their particular thread?
This question gets asked daily in the 60-66 section, the 67-72 section,... and even rear disc questions in the 73-87 section.
Just trying to get input, on a way to link all these threads.