Are we being abandoned?
In case you didn't hear, the president has recently made the statement that we need to reduce our need for foreign oil. Not a bad thing but at what cost? He said more drilling is needed in the US but that is not the long term answer. He said that the auto companies have agreed to use more technology into other fuel sources. I was listening to a radio show and they were talking about fuel prices. They interviewed a unnamed source close to administration talks and the auto industry. What he didn't tell us is that the auto companies are about to become very rich. So the auto companies are now going to make "disposable vehicles" Meaning new laws will be enacted to push this. Laws on cars having to do with their drive trains. For example: Say a new Chevy pickup truck in 2015 is involved in a roll-over. They will make it to where that entire car must be junked and no parts can be re-sold because Chevy still owns the drive train. It has to be disposed of and Chevy can do what they wish on the engine. Insurance for the cars will be through the roof. And say you buy a truck and take the engine out and put it into another truck...say an older 1969 are then breaking the law and won't be allowed to drive it or register it. Even though you will buy a car, you can never own the drive train. The engine will not be allowed to go into another vehicle. It will be like microsoft where you buy a license to use the software but never own it. You will also likely be arrested and have to pay a hefty fine. Wreckers will be out of repair industry will hurt because dealers will rule....I fear this guys!!! Cars are only going to be for the rich. And then there is the "classic" car argument. To a politician, that's just a convenient word they use for cars they consider never driven to preserve them. How do we reserve our right to OWN what we buy?