Worked on Fred's motor a bit today.
I have the 350 4 bolt main engine up on the stand and the old 307 with the hurt cylinder and massive oil leaks on the floor. So I put a new Milodon oil pump in. Hopefully that'll help the lubrication. I never did have a gauge hooked up on the old engine. But it seemed fine. The guy that sold me the 350 advised me to put in a new pump. So I did. Then I pulled the pulley and damper off the old engine. The damper looked pretty ragged out, so I ordered a Fluidampr 7.25" damper for it. Then I yanked the heads so I can reuse them on the 350. Cylinder #2 had a rocker stud fail. So I yanked all the studs out. I have replacements from Summit to go in. I threw out the lifters, pushrods and rockers that were in the old engine. I got Comp Cams lifters since the cam going in is a Comp Cams piece. I have new pushrods, guide plates, roller rockers and stud girdles to go in new. Next I have to lift the old engine up again and get the old oil and filter disposed of. Then I'll take off the oil pan and timing cover for reuse since they were brand new just a year or so ago. I'm not going to reuse the timing chain and gears or the cam, even though they're all fairly new. The oil leak on the old engine was in the front of the oil pan, coming from one of the screw holes that holds the oil pan on. So I'll be paying particular attention on the 350 to the oil pan screws. I don't want any oil leaks this go-around. I'll take some pics here shortly.
Last edited by PRattenbury; 05-01-2011 at 09:38 PM.
Reason: Stupid friggen keyboard!