Originally Posted by mrein3
When the government tells you your fleet miles per gallon average has to be X, and you can remove 10 pounds of steel from each vehicle by using thinner metal, you do it.
Besides, with air bags, crumple zones, and a ton of other safety features your 3600 pound 72 Chevelle is less safe than your 2850 Chevy Cruze. Yes your fender gets totally mashed in a small fender bender but what price do you put on safety? Ask an ambulance chasing lawyer that question.
Why does Ford spec 5W-20 oil for their engines? Same reason. Oils are better now and if you can shave .1 mpg off the fleet by specifying thinner oil, you do it. Those tenths of a mile per gallon add up.
Ok, I'm done arguing and being an inquisitive idiot.