Need help with a steering box/column part
Hi folks! It's been a while since I posted last. A job change has taken me away from my project. Anyway, I bought a new steering box for my truck some time ago, and turned my old one in as a core. The problem is, I didn't realize the new box wasn't going to have the coupling half that slips over the splined input shaft on the box, where the rag joint goes. So now I have a nice new steering box on my truck, but no way to reconnect the steering column. Stupid me. So I looked at some part store sites, and they don't sell them. So I'm looking for one of these flanges or couplers, whatever the right name might be. I need to get the truck moved from my garage in Arkansas to my next garage in Philly. I'm in Philly right now working, and getting to a junkyard is not in the cards. I'd like to see if I can buy, borrow, beg, or steal one of these things online and have it for August 27th when I can be there to install it and get it loaded on a car hauler. So if anybody on here has any ideas or has one I could have/use/buy, let me know! Okay? Thanks!