Originally Posted by kikkegek
alrighty, tested the thermostat 2nite. I dont have a thermometer, so I used the thermo-cap from my rad to measure the temperature.
at 80C (175F) it starts to open. You can see this in the video at about 55 seconds when the bubble escapes from under the thermostat.
at about 2 minutes the thermostat is wide open when the water cooks.
when it cools down it is closed again at 80C (so 175F). that is at about 6 minutes into the video.
isnt opening up at about 175F to early for a 195F thermostat?
If it's a 90C thermostat then it should begin to open at 90C not 80C. Your thermostat is worn out.
Originally Posted by kikkegek
changed my sparkplugs after 12.000 miles and put a clean airfilter in after 6500 miles.
mileage is now at 9.5 mpg
Gasoline has 114,100 BTU/gallon. Propane (LP) has 75,000 BTU/gallon. So. One US gallon of LP has 34% less energy than an equivalent US gallon of Gasoline.
@14-15 US mpg on gasoline is pretty good fuel mileage. You should get 34% less or... 9.2-9.86 US mpg on LP. I'd say you've arrived.