Originally posted by Blaz-air
Hey, there that ol blazer is!!!! nice to see some pics of it. I personally think that that is the look with the 67-68 clip. Those rear caps were made from the old top. Since the windshield was chopped those caps made the doors look longer and more correct. The one thing thats never felt right when a blazer has the top is that sudden drop behind the doors. You could make those caps out of an old doors or another junk top. 72 2wd Blazer, I will be in Sacr. in October for the NSRA show. Stop by the House of Kolor booth and say "HEY". I WILL build another blazer as soon as I am done with the 37.

Right on Carter. If I make it out to the NSRA show I'll drop by and say hi. I did the motor swap in the winter of '01 and installed the new 350 with polished aluminum parts. I'll have to throw a pic up.
The 37 hot rod looks like it's coming along good too.
Catch 'ya later,