Uncle Howard's 1946 Chevy Truck
My Great, Great Uncle Howard purchased this Chevrolet Truck new in 1946, soon after WW2 had ended. He was a hunch-back farmer from Maynard, IA. He was never married, and there are no pictures of him (I understand he was embarrassed of his appearance. I believe he was barely 4' tall). My Grandmother was very close to him, and he took her to CA when she was 16 to visit family (I believe back in the 30's). Long story short (I will fill the details in a later post), my dad had been telling me for years that he was going to pass the old tuck on to me, but I didn't think it would happen anytime soon. To my surprise, Dad towed the old truck down July 10' with the title and some money to repair the front end.