My 96 GMC has the 5.7L vortec. But is has 181K on it and I've been having a ton of problems, mostly computer issues and timing issues. Bad distributor, and I've been told I could have jumped a tooth on the timing chain... I did a tune up took it out for a ride that night and it ran the best it has ever had, and then the next day took it, ran fine for about 10 minutes, got to stop sign went to take off and then all the sudden misfires, popping, lack of power, vibrating, I then confirmed that the timing was way off when I plugged it into a scan tool and the cam was 24 degrees retarded. I even tried resetting the timing several times and no luck. Has spark, fuel, air, just not firing. Needless to say I'm sick of working on something I feel like whatever I do cannot fix it. So I have this grand idea

What would it take to drop a Carbureted engine in, with a th350 on the back of it?
I have plenty of parts for the conversion and what I think enough knowledge to do it. I've seen it done on a 87 tbi, and it worked great. So please give me your thoughts.