Another steering column question
I am putting my steering column back together, and there is a new signal light switch and bearing in the top. It has the 2 speed original column as you can see. My question is about the plastic clip (it appears) on the right side, just beside the screw on the right side, holding the shifter indicator housing on. It looks like maybe a light bulb and socket might go in there to light up the lens on the shift idicator. There is a hole below the housing and lens in the tube, just above where that clip thing is. Has anyone ever had a light in there? It would be small, but it would be cool to have the shift positions illuminate at night. Does anyone know any part numbers, or what bulb it uses? It looks like it would just snap into the plastic, and then you could run the wiring down the cloumn with the other wires. I'd like to do this before I put the steering wheel on. Just wondering.