So I have an 86 swb standard cab but I have window motors from a 79. I am having trouble with the driver door master switch. I have been using toggle switches to operate the windows for the past year and have had no problems. I recently had the door panels wrapped in vinyl and wanted to put the original switches back but all I could find we're 6 prong switches. I found a 6 prong harness from the bone yard so I figured simple rewire plug and play right ? Wrong. My original switch had 5 prongs. Window motor on drivers side only has 5 wires. No matter how I try to rig up this 6 prong switch , it just won't work. It smokes, gets hot or both windows will only run very slowly. With the original 5prong switch I had no problems, nor do I have any problems when using toggle switches. I guess my question is: has anyone rigged up anything else decent looking , more modern, or even have an idea how I could go about solving this???? Sorry it took so long to get to the point. I'm fruastrated
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