I'm going to look at a running 305 in a few days for putting in my 54 3100. I just want something cheap and running so I can putt along. The guy has a couple S10s laying around his property he's wanting to part out and I could probably get one cheap. I'm looking for the rearend that takes the absolute least amount of work to engineer and install, as I have absolutely zero skills for fabbing and fancy engineering, though I do have friends who are always hot rodding and swapping parts around on other cars. But I figure if I get one with the least amount of work required to install, they'll be much more inclined to help me
For the people who need a little more information before making a suggestion, it'll be a weak 283/305/307 (in case this 305 sucks), probably a TH350 trans, and I will likely never haul or tow anything. I don't care about gearing ratios and all that, I just want to putt along. As long as I get a rearend that'll fit in the truck with the least amount of work, and allow me to have 5 lug and fit some nice 18 or 20" Torque Thrust style wheels, I will be happy
p.s. if there is something that requires less swapping of parts or welding than an S10 rearend, feel free to recommend it and I will pass up the S10 rearend. Living in the southeast has it's advantages....tons of good ol' boys with A bodies, G bodies, F bodies, pickups, etc laying around rotting.