Need help with rust repairs on 65 c10
Below are some photos, Its definitely got some rust to her. My plan was to fix all rust, prime with an epoxy(that way I can still drive it around a little, not to work just to town (5-10KM). Then once ready to paint, id spray 2k feather and sand smooth. Then paint. Does this sound ok? Back on the rust, looking for any tips or help on these certain areas. For panals, I have front fender bottoms,bottem door skins, full rockers, I will order 4 cab supports, I think I need something In the back below the gas tank tho, its gone. Also in the box, the lip is gone all the way around, can I make them? Any treads? What size welder would I need for panels, my friend has a big stick one for frame work. And for painting is a 2HP running 6 peak 20 gallon big enough for priming. Paint il get a 70gallonish. My pass door is bent out any ideas.