Originally Posted by 54Caddy
wouldn't this put more load on the battery. Or would it help charging system out? Would it helping with dimming headlights from audio in my truck?
The harness is built to take the load off of your OEM headlight wiring and switch, and allow your headlights to recieve the full 13.8V+ the need to run at 100% by having as little resistance in the HD harness as possible by drawing power directly from the battery.
With that being said, if your having issues with dimming headlights. I would guess that you have a pretty good sized amplifier and sub woofer installed in your truck. The lights are most likely dimming when the Bass "hits", you see when the bass hits the amp draws more power (For example; at a normal point in the song, the amp may be running at 150 amps, but when a bass heavy portion of the song comes up (when the bass hits hard) the amp may be running at 300 amps) that example is just an example as I don't know your systems specs. And in result can starve other accessories on the truck for power such as lights. If this is the situation for you, I would recommend upgrading your alternator and battery (Or running a dual battery set up) as well as performing the "Big 3" upgrade as well as upgrading all of your grounds. Also if you don't have sufficient grounding for your amp, that can also play a factor in issues like this. Generally you want your amp ground to be 18" or less, shorter the better. And you also want to make sure that you have the same gauge ground cable going from your negative battery terminal to the body (If amp is grounded to the body also)
Those 3 things will help with the dimming lights, and then if you where to install one of our HD headlight harness's, you would most likely eliminate the dimming lights problem all together! With a HD Headlight Harness installed, you will also notice that your dash lights will be brighter and your blower motor will also most likely run faster! If you would like further info on the topic I'll be more then happy to help!