Hi, just wanted to show off the 66 I just bought Woo Hoo. I got it off a ranch not 10 minutes from my house. It has only one area of rot on a rear fender. Other than that it is just a little surface rust. It is pretty much unmolested except it has a 327/TH350 which didn't come in it. It also had a few nice new parts installed, gas tank,seat upholstery,radiator,brakes/master cylinder/brake booster,bed slats, and tires are all new. It's nice to have some parts that I know I won't have to refurbish/replace.
One thing I thought was kind of funny is the bed is completely eaten by termites. haha You don't hear someone say their truck has termites very often.

Well I'm going to tear out that wood and start cleaning up the frame for some POR 15. More to come.