Picked up 72 Cheynne & 71 GMC
The 72' is a Cheyenne Super we picked up a couple weeks ago, just the cab and chassis. My dad wants to build a tow rig out of a square body flatbed dually he's getting off my uncle, using the 72' cab, while I take the suspension and swap out my 67' 8 lug (hello 5 lug and disk brakes  ). The 71' is pretty much wasted, we picked it up in hopes of some parts for the other project, and the tires for my dads s10. I'll get some pics up later, gonna go through it and see if there's anything good to scavenge, and maybe from pics ya'll might see something you can use.
Going through life's daily grind, I can feel the effects of this physical body's fleeting days, But with a young spirit I look toward a brighter day, knowing that in the eyes of eternity, I am but a babe in the arms of my Lord.........