Originally Posted by chevy_mike
So, wanted to keep out of the drama side of this, I will share info I have about these spindles. I am going to try to get some actual measurements of these and the stock '65 drums I pulled off.
A happy side note for those wanting to run 15x8" rally or stock style wheels and typically have clearance issues with the lower A arm lip, around the lower ball joint, these give you enough clearance to not rub or require you to trim the A arm (which I don't like). Here is a pic to show the clearance and I did cycle the steering from lock to lock and no issues anywhere.

You may want to check the clearance with weight on the suspension. A the suspension goes into bump, that clearance will decrease. I had a similiar situation when I installed the CPP spindles on my truck only to find out after putting the truck down, my lower control arms would contact the wheel before full lock.