Originally Posted by Kabwe
Yeah Dan I agree.
I grew up with low riders and never wanted one but I've always admired the attention to details and the love they put into their vehicles.
Me too and though I didn't want one I could and can understand why someone else WOULD want one. I've never seen as phenomenal of paint as I've seen on some lowriders.
Originally Posted by Kabwe
If you could put an engine in a grocery cart and make it safe to drive I may find it to be the coolest thing in the world because I'm just a carnut.lol
Your wish is my command!
I took this last August at Hot August Nights in Reno. Just goes to show you that most things have been done; and in some cases VERY well done. Of course this was/is a marketing tool but it shows an incredible amount of vision and a helluva lot of engineering ability not to mention fabrication chops to pull this off.