Well..... i cut the really restrictive chambered mufflers off because iIve never heard a truck that was so quiet with a mildy built 350, and couldn't stand that i couldn't hear the nice cam lope. so me thinking that the local auto parts stores had cherry bombs i cut it and went down there and turns out they only had stupid thrush glasspacks. Well I tried them and ripped them off just now less than a day later. horrible...

so now I'm running around with long tube headers to a 4 foot pipe coming off with a small flange gasket leak as well and my exhaust missing in the center and the back of it hanging off the hangers waiting to be re-connecting to SOMETHING haha.
so now I guess I'll have to take it to a shop and have them weld in a nice muffler or a straight pipe and put in a new flange gasket where the header ends and the exhaust meets. I'm driving this truck out to Carlisle next week, i can't have this thing sounding like it came from the backwoods of South Carolina.
I don't know what a nice loud muffler or exhaust setup would be for this truck. I just want to hear it idle really nice, I don't need something obnoxious unless I'm flat to the FLOOR on the gas.
any reccomendations??